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Friday, March 30, 2007

Univ of Florida - Faculty

Research and Evaluation Methodology
Non-tenure Track Position
Office of Educational Research and the Program in Research and Evaluation Methodology
University of Florida

The successful candidate's responsibilities in the Office of Educational Research will include collaborating with College of Education faculty in designing studies, writing methodology sections of proposals, and analyzing data. In addition, the successful candidate will teach introductory quantitative research methodology courses in the Program in Research and Evaluation Methodology.

Minimum requirements include a doctorate in educational research, measurement, or statistics. Expertise in power analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, and structural equation modeling is required for the work in the Office of Educational Research. Interest and experience in research with children and adolescents in applied settings and interest and experience in distance education are also desirable.

Deadline: Applicants should send a letter of intent addressing qualifications, a current vita, transcript of courses, names and contact information for references, and samples of professional writing. The committee will begin reviewing applications
on April 13, 2007, and will continue to accept and review applications until the position is filled.

Apply to: James Algina, Search Committee Chair, Department of Educational Psychology, PO Box 117057, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7047. Applications also accepted at Please put REM Search and your last name in the subject line.