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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Summer Internship

Applications are now being accepted for theSummer 2009 Internship in Research and Measurement Services at Riverside Publishing

Riverside Publishing offers a wide range of highly regarded clinical, state, formative, educational, and group assessment products. As a charter member of the Association of Test Publishers, Riverside serves both the K–12 educational market and the clinical assessment market with print, CD-ROM, and online assessment tools.

Working under the direction of Research staff, the Research Interns will have the opportunity to assist with many tasks associated with a large research study, including:

Data preparation
Item analysis (both classical and IRT methods)
Development of scoring tables
Standard Setting
Technical Writing

Candidates should be doctoral students enrolled in measurement, educational psychology, statistics, or related programs, who wish to gain experience working on a large-scale test development project. Programming experience (SAS, SPSS, Visual Basic) is a plus but not required.

The 8-week internship will run from June 1 to July 24, 2009.

Riverside Publishing is located in Rolling Meadows, Illinois (northwest suburbs of Chicago).

A stipend of $5,000 plus housing and round-trip transportation to the Chicago area (if necessary) will be provided.

To Apply:
Submit a current CV and a short statement describing the experiences you would like to gain from a summer internship. Please limit your statement to 200 words. Send to:

Riverside Publishing
Human Resources Department
3800 Golf Road
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Attn: Summer Research Internship Program

Applications are due by February 27, 2009. The successful candidate will be notified by March 31.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Center for Applied Linguistics
4646 40th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016

Psychometrics/ Research Team

As part of its annual summer internship program, the Center for Applied Linguistics is looking for a highly qualified graduate student interested in measurement and assessment issues related to language.
The intern will work closely with the Psychometrics/Research team on projects that provide hands-on experience in applying measurement techniques to real-world language assessment issues, and specifically issues in linking assessments. Advanced graduate students may also be able to conduct their own research using CAL data.

The dates for the summer internship are flexible, but should fall between May and September, 2009.
To apply, submit the following information to the above address ATTN: Intern, LTD/Psych/Research or via e-mail to (

· Detailed resume and cover letter explaining your interest in this position
· List of relevant courses taken (an official transcript is not necessary)
· Dates of availability
· Requirements for stipend

Deadline for submission for this position: March 13, 2009

Final decisions for the summer intern program will be made by April 10, 2009. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated interest in applying quantitative skills to language-related issues.
For further information on all internship programs at CAL, visit For questions regarding the Psychometrics/Research internship only, contact David MacGregor ( For questions regarding other internships, contact Phyllis Pointer-Tate (

NOTE: The Center for Applied Linguistics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in hiring or employment based upon race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, handicap, or any other reason not related to employment.

In accordance with INS regulations, all successful applicants will be required to show proof of their legal right to accept employment in the United States.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO)

Since 1951, HumRRO has applied social science research to enhance human performanceand organizational effectiveness. Our 70-plus professional researchers hold advanced degreesin industrial-organizational, experimental, quantitative, or social psychology; educationalresearch and assessment; or other social science disciplines. HumRRO is an independent,nonprofit organization that conducts human resource research and analyses for Federal, state,and local agencies (e.g., Departments of Education and Defense, the Military Services,Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Social SecurityAdministration). Our clients also include professional associations and private sectorcompanies. To learn more about HumRRO, visit our website at


HumRRO headquarters is located in Alexandria, Virginia—just outside of our nation’scapital. Our office overlooks the Potomac River in historic Old Town. Other HumRROoffices are in Louisville and Radcliff, Kentucky; Monterey and San Diego, California;Lawrenceville, New Jersey; and Minneapolis, Minnesota. The 2009 summer interns willhave the opportunity to work under the direction and supervision of senior staff at our officesin Alexandria, VA or Louisville, KY.


HumRRO's internship opportunities are available to graduate students currently enrolled infull-time masters or Ph.D. accredited programs. The traditional internship at HumRRO is inthe summer; however, 6-12 month internship opportunities will be considered. Ourinternships are paid, full-time opportunities. Regardless of duration, internship duties andresponsibilities are the same. Variations are possible depending upon the technical contentand timeline of the particular projects in need of staffing. Interns will serve as researchassistants/associates on one or more projects. Typical tasks include literature review,synthesis, and analysis; data collection, entry, and analysis; survey and other instrumentdevelopment and administration; and documentation of findings. HumRRO is looking forresponsible, motivated team players with strong technical and communication skills to assistin our contract research activities. HumRRO project directors will provide technicalsupervision and mentoring to help make the most of the intern's exposure to and experiencewith our applied research setting.


Selection is competitive and will be based on review of application materials and referenceassessment for evidence of research promise, academic achievement, and writing ability.Finalists will be interviewed telephonically.


Applications are accepted on a continual basis and are considered every quarter.Applications are due on or before March 2, 2009 for a summer internship. Each applicantmust provide HumRRO with the following: 1) a curriculum vitae/detailed resume and coverletter; 2) a one-page personal statement of career goals and internship interests; 3) officialgraduate school transcript(s); and 4) contact information for two references (letters ofrecommendation are not needed). Candidates who desire a “non-traditional” internship (i.e.,either an internship during the non-summer months or a longer opportunity than ourtraditional summer internship) must submit with their application a justification for this typeof internship. Applications should be mailed to: Jessica Terner, HumRRO, 66 Canal CenterPlaza, Suite 700, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Questions may be directed to Jessica Terner at(703) 706-5687 or

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Director of Academic Assessment

Director of Academic Assessment
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, Texas

Job description
o Aids faculty members, academic administrators, the general education program, and other instructional programs in designing and improving all aspects of the assessment of program-level student learning outcomes, including:
o development of learning outcomes
o distribution throughout curriculum of opportunities for students to master learning outcomes (curriculum mapping/alignment)
o development and selection of means of assessment
o analysis and interpretation of assessment results of various types, both quantitative and qualitative
o development of assessment-based action plans for improvement of programs and refinement of learning outcomes and assessment procedures
o documentation and reporting of assessment activities
o Monitors and coordinates the assessment efforts of academic programs, including maintaining records and preparing reports concerning assessment to external agencies such as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
o Promotes a university-wide culture of assessment through consultation, instruction, and professional development with faculty and academic administrators; chairing the university-wide Academic Assessment Committee; and meeting periodically with academic leaders and the Faculty Senate
o Works with the Office of Institutional Research in identifying data useful for assessment of student learning outcomes
o Assists in maintaining the university’s academic assessment website
o Assists programs with discipline-specific accreditations in their assessment efforts and in integrating them with assessment efforts for SACS, and assists programs wishing to explore the possibility of discipline-specific accreditation

o Doctoral degree in a field related to assessment in higher education. ABDs will be considered.
o Education and experience must have provided knowledge and skills that are applicable to fulfilling the responsibilities of the position, especially:
o knowledge of theory and best practices in assessment of student learning outcomes in academic programs in higher education
o knowledge of requirements of one or more regional accrediting agencies regarding assessment of student learning outcomes
o sufficient knowledge of research design, statistics, and statistical software to assist in designing means of assessment and analyzing data
o strong skills in written and oral communication, facilitation of group efforts, and project management

Stronger candidates will also meet the following criteria
o At least two years of employment in higher education
o Experience in assessment of student learning outcomes
o Experience with the SACS Quality Enhancement Plan or similar programs in other regional accreditation areas


Reports to: Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness

Starting salary range: $64,567 - $85,000

To be considered for this position, visit our website at and apply online. Click on Search Postings or View Openings by Job Type: Staff and search for Director, Academic Assessment. Only online applications will be forwarded to the screening committee.

Questions: Dr. Pat Williams (713-221-8982,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Summer Internship

The National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment

2009 Summer Internship Program in Educational Assessment and Accountability

The National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment, Inc (the Center) is a small non-profit organization that occupies a unique and influential niche at the intersection of psychometrics and educational assessment policy. The Center is pleased to offer summer internships for up to two advanced doctoral students in educational measurement and/or assessment/accountability policy who want the opportunity to work with the Center’s professionals on projects with direct implications for state and national educational policy.

The Center
The Center was formed in 1998 by Richard Hill and Brian Gong as a not-for-profit corporation with a mission to improve student learning through better assessment and accountability practices. The Center is located in a beautifully renovated mill building on the banks of the Cocheco River in Dover, NH (10 miles from the seacoast town of Portsmouth, NH and about an hour north of Boston, MA). All of the Center’s nine professional staff have earned doctorates in psychometrics, curriculum, or statistics and most have worked at high levels in state departments of education (assessment directors) or in testing companies. The combination of technical expertise and practical experience allows Center professionals to contribute effectively to cutting edge policy issues in educational measurement.

The Center’s strives to promote increases in student learning through improved practices in educational assessment and accountability. The Center works directly with states (we currently are under contract with 25 states or entities) and has working relationships with several national research and advocacy organizations such as the National Center for Educational Outcomes (NCEO), The Center for Research on Student Standards and Testing (CRESST), Achieve, Inc., WestEd, and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The Center works with its clients and partners to fulfill this ambitious mission by:

§ Providing customized support to states and districts in designing and implementing valid assessment and accountability programs.
§ Coordinating Technical Advisory Committees that help ensure states’ assessment and accountability programs receive the best on-going technical advice possible.
§ Synthesizing existing research and conducting new analyses to provide empirical support for addressing current policy problems in sound, innovative ways.

Sample current projects of the Center include:
§ Helping states devise student longitudinal growth systems for school accountability, and analyze the factors affecting the validity and reliability of such systems
§ Designing innovative, interactive assessment and accountability reporting systems designed to yield meaningful interpretations of student and school scores
§ Working with a federally funded consortium to develop practical technical guidelines to evaluate and document the technical quality of alternate assessment systems (large-scale assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities that prevent them for participating in the regular assessment)
§ Working with a state to design and implant a local assessment system to support high school graduation decisions based on curriculum-embedded work, along with state-wide review procedures to support the quality and comparability of districts’ systems across the state
§ Examining individual and sets of assessment items (test forms) to relate psychometric characteristics to explicit content standards and cognitive models

The Summer Internship Program
Interns will work on one major project throughout the summer (to be negotiated between the intern and the Center mentor) and will participate with Center staff on multiple ongoing projects. The intern will have the opportunity to attend meetings and interact with numerous state assessment personnel. Interns will be expected to produce a written report, suitable for conference presentation and/or publication, as evidence of successful completion of their project. One of the Center’s senior staff will serve as the intern’s primary mentor, but the interns will interact regularly with all of the Center’s staff.

The intern must have completed at least two years of doctoral course work in educational measurement, statistics, research methods, or a related field. Interns with documented previous research experience are preferred. Further, interns must document their ability to work independently to complete a long-term project. We have found that successful interns possess most of the following skills and knowledge:

Experience working with large-scale data bases

Working knowledge of statistical analysis through multivariate analyses as well as fluency with one or more statistical packages, e.g., SAS, SPSS, R (preferred)

A solid understanding research design

Psychometrics (both classical and IRT) with demonstrated understanding of the principles of reliability and validity

The internship duration is 8 weeks; the specific term will depend on the intern’s school schedule, but generally starting in the first week of June. The Center will provide a housing allowance, reasonable relocation expenses, and a stipend of $5000.

To apply for the internship program, candidates should submit the following materials electronically (preferred):

letter of interest,


recent academic paper,

the proposed dates (contiguous 8 weeks) for the internship, and

two letters of recommendations (one of which must be from the candidate’s academic advisor).

All materials must be submitted to Scott Marion and and received by February 15, 2009. Postal mail can be directed to Dr. Marion at:

Scott Marion, Ph.D.
Center for Assessment
P.O. Box 351
Dover, NH 03821

Applicants will be notified around March 15, 2009 regarding the internship. To learn more about the Center, please visit or contact Scott Marion at