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Thursday, January 22, 2009


Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO)

Since 1951, HumRRO has applied social science research to enhance human performanceand organizational effectiveness. Our 70-plus professional researchers hold advanced degreesin industrial-organizational, experimental, quantitative, or social psychology; educationalresearch and assessment; or other social science disciplines. HumRRO is an independent,nonprofit organization that conducts human resource research and analyses for Federal, state,and local agencies (e.g., Departments of Education and Defense, the Military Services,Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Social SecurityAdministration). Our clients also include professional associations and private sectorcompanies. To learn more about HumRRO, visit our website at


HumRRO headquarters is located in Alexandria, Virginia—just outside of our nation’scapital. Our office overlooks the Potomac River in historic Old Town. Other HumRROoffices are in Louisville and Radcliff, Kentucky; Monterey and San Diego, California;Lawrenceville, New Jersey; and Minneapolis, Minnesota. The 2009 summer interns willhave the opportunity to work under the direction and supervision of senior staff at our officesin Alexandria, VA or Louisville, KY.


HumRRO's internship opportunities are available to graduate students currently enrolled infull-time masters or Ph.D. accredited programs. The traditional internship at HumRRO is inthe summer; however, 6-12 month internship opportunities will be considered. Ourinternships are paid, full-time opportunities. Regardless of duration, internship duties andresponsibilities are the same. Variations are possible depending upon the technical contentand timeline of the particular projects in need of staffing. Interns will serve as researchassistants/associates on one or more projects. Typical tasks include literature review,synthesis, and analysis; data collection, entry, and analysis; survey and other instrumentdevelopment and administration; and documentation of findings. HumRRO is looking forresponsible, motivated team players with strong technical and communication skills to assistin our contract research activities. HumRRO project directors will provide technicalsupervision and mentoring to help make the most of the intern's exposure to and experiencewith our applied research setting.


Selection is competitive and will be based on review of application materials and referenceassessment for evidence of research promise, academic achievement, and writing ability.Finalists will be interviewed telephonically.


Applications are accepted on a continual basis and are considered every quarter.Applications are due on or before March 2, 2009 for a summer internship. Each applicantmust provide HumRRO with the following: 1) a curriculum vitae/detailed resume and coverletter; 2) a one-page personal statement of career goals and internship interests; 3) officialgraduate school transcript(s); and 4) contact information for two references (letters ofrecommendation are not needed). Candidates who desire a “non-traditional” internship (i.e.,either an internship during the non-summer months or a longer opportunity than ourtraditional summer internship) must submit with their application a justification for this typeof internship. Applications should be mailed to: Jessica Terner, HumRRO, 66 Canal CenterPlaza, Suite 700, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Questions may be directed to Jessica Terner at(703) 706-5687 or