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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

P. Universidad Católica de Chile

Job title:Researcher; academic staff associated with the School of Psychology at the P. Universidad Católica de Chile.

Expectations: The applicant must hold a doctorate, preferably obtained in a renowned university outside of Chile, in the social sciences, education, economics, statistics or other relevant field, and must be able to show a solid academic background in measurement and evaluation.

Job description:The researcher will be part of MIDE UC Research Department and will be associated to one of MIDE UC’s project areas: “Education,” “Organizations,”
or “Society” (for more information see We expect the researcher to
pursue his/her own research agenda related to MIDE UC’s topics of interest and project activity, that he/she obtains external research funding, and that he/she is available and motivated to get involved in teaching.

Status & hours worked:Full time, 44h per week (subject to negotiation down to half-time)

Location:P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile,Campus San Joaquín, Edificio MIDE UC

Application deadline:November 30, 2009
Application materials:Motivation letter (max. 1 page), Curriculum vitae, publication list (separate), two representative publications, copy of Doctorate certificate.

Contact information:Send application materials and inquiries to:
Anita Vargas,