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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace

Evaluation Consultant Needed

June to August 2010

Background: The Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPH-NEW) is a Center for Excellence funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Our Center is a collaborative research-to-practice initiative led by investigators from two major public universities in the New England area: The University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass Lowell) and The University of Connecticut (UConn).

An Evaluation Consultant is needed to assist Center investigators with conducting a “self study” to describe the effectiveness of the Center’s administrative structure and to synthesis findings on a core set of outcomes across multiple research and dissemination projects. A commitment of at least 30 hours per week is anticipated during the summer of 2010, plus possible additional hours during the fall in order to complete the written report on schedule.

• Interview project investigators to assess views on project findings to date, how implementation matched planned activities, approaches used to overcome obstacles, and to gather recommendations for future directions needing further study.
• Assess overall administrative (Core) – multi-site arrangement, parallel structure, distance, issues, etc. Interview key investigators about the strengths and challenges of the current structure and what could be improved for next grant application, due in December 2010.
• Produce a draft written report and provide to Center Co-Directors and the Steering Committee by END OF SUMMER.
• Present draft findings orally to CPH-NEW Steering Committee and selected affiliates for reaction and feedback in advance of producing a final report.
• Revise draft report and deliver to center Co-Directors by October 15, 2010.

UML will provide:
• Access to evaluation planning documents, grant proposal, progress reports.
• A CPH-NEW liaison responsible to coordinate and advise the Evaluator as needed.

• Masters or doctoral degree preferred.
• Experience with qualitative evaluation methods, including preparation of written reports.
• Detail-oriented, organized, professional demeanor, and ability to work independently.
• Ability to travel to the university campuses for interviews

Contact: Laura Punnett, ScD, Center Co-Director, (978) 934-3269 or