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Thursday, June 3, 2010

UIC’s Learning Sciences Research Institute

Post–Doc Research Opportunities at UIC’s Learning Sciences Research Institute

Areas include: Mathematics, Science, and Literacy

Project Foci: Cognition, Instruction & Assessment

The Learning Sciences Research Institute at UIC is seeking qualified candidates for post-doctoral research positions on several major funded projects in the disciplinary areas of mathematics (2 positions), science (1-2 positions), and literacy (2-3 positions). All positions are for a minimum of 2 years and involve working with a team of faculty, research staff, and graduate students on projects involving research and development related to teaching and learning. The grade spans of the projects vary from middle school through high school and undergraduate education. Positions are available for appointment starting July 1, 2010.

Candidates must have PhD in Learning Sciences, Psychology, Education or a related field. Applicants for the math or science positions could have a PhD in mathematics or science with a research specialization in assessment, measurement, or learning and instruction within a mathematics, science or engineering discipline. Applicants for the literacy positions could have expertise in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in middle school or high school literacy, social studies/history education, or science education; assessment of content learning: qualitative or quantitative methodologies.

Individuals interested in these positions should send an email to: Susan Goldman (literacy positions); James Pellegrino (mathematics positions); and Lou DiBello (science positions) . In the email please indicate your educational background and training and areas of specific expertise. Attach a recent vita and provide information on 2-3 potential references, including their contact information. Please indicate if you will be attending ICLS 2010 in Chicago at the end of June. Interviews of qualified candidates by members of the project leadership teams may be arranged at ICLS 2010.