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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP)

We are looking for more professors and associate professors to take up positions at our Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP). We would appreciate it if you could please forward this advertisement to your contacts. Please see attached for details.

Please complete and send the Application Form for Academic Positions obtainable from the NIE website ( together with your detailed curriculum vitae, which should include areas of research interest, list of publications and names and addresses, email addresses or fax numbers of six referees to:

Head, Human Resource Department
National Institute of Education
1 Nanyang Walk
Singapore 637616
Tel: (65) 6790 3098
Fax: (65) 6896 9360

Closing date: 10 March 2008

2008 Summer Internship Program

2008 Summer Internship Program in Educational Assessment and Accountability

The National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment, Inc (the Center) is a small non-profit organization that occupies a unique and influential niche at the intersection of psychometrics and educational assessment policy. The Center is pleased to offer summer internships for up to two advanced doctoral students in educational measurement and/or assessment/accountability policy who want the opportunity to work with the Center’s professionals on projects with direct implications for state and national educational policy.

The Center
The Center was formed in 1998 by Richard Hill and Brian Gong as a not-for-profit corporation with a mission to improve student learning through better assessment and accountability practices. The Center is located in a beautifully renovated mill building on the banks of the Cocheco River in Dover, NH (10 miles from the seacoast town of Portsmouth, NH and about an hour north of Boston, MA). All of the Center’s eight professional staff have earned doctorates in psychometrics, curriculum, or statistics and most have worked at high levels in state departments of education (assessment directors) or in testing companies. The combination of technical expertise and practical experience allows Center professionals to contribute effectively to cutting edge policy issues in educational measurement.

The Center’s strives to promote increases in student learning through improved practices in educational assessment and accountability. The Center works directly with states (we currently are under contract with 21 states or entities) and has working relationships with several national research and advocacy organizations such as the National Center for Educational Outcomes (NCEO), The Center for Research on Student Standards and Testing (CRESST), Achieve, Inc., WestEd, and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The Center works with its clients and partners to fulfill this ambitious mission by:

 Providing customized support to states and districts in designing and implementing valid assessment and accountability programs.
 Coordinating Technical Advisory Committees that help ensure states’ assessment and accountability programs receive the best on-going technical advice possible.
 Synthesizing existing research and conducting new analyses to provide empirical support for addressing current policy problems in sound, innovative ways.

Sample current projects of the Center include:
 Helping states devise a standards-based student longitudinal growth system for school accountability, and analyze the factors affecting the reliability (decision consistency) of such a system
 Working with a federally funded consortium to develop practical technical guidelines to evaluate and document the technical quality of alternate assessment systems (large-scale assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities that prevent them for participating in the regular assessment)
 Working with a state to design and implant a local assessment system to support high school graduation decisions based on curriculum-embedded work, along with state-wide review procedures to support the quality and comparability of districts’ systems across the state
 Examining the impact of various scaling and equating methods on producing assessment systems sensitive to portraying student growth over time
 Examining individual and sets of assessment items (test forms) to relate psychometric characteristics to explicit content standards and cognitive models

The Summer Internship Program
Interns will work on one major project throughout the summer (to be negotiated between the intern and the Center mentor) and will participate with Center staff on multiple ongoing projects. The intern will have the opportunity to attend meetings and interact with numerous state assessment personnel. Interns will be expected to produce a written report, suitable for conference presentation and/or publication, as evidence of successful completion of their project. One of the Center’s senior staff will serve as the intern’s primary mentor, but the interns will interact regularly with all of the Center’s staff.

The intern must have completed at least two years of doctoral course work in educational measurement, statistics, research methods, or a related field. Interns with documented previous research experience are preferred. Further, interns must document their ability to work independently to complete a long-term project. We have found that successful interns possess most of the following skills and knowledge:
 Experience working with large-scale data bases
 Working knowledge of statistical analysis through multivariate analyses (HLM and SEM are helpful)
 A solid understanding research design
 Psychometrics (both classical and IRT) with demonstrated understanding of the principles of reliability and validity

The internship duration is 8 weeks; the specific term will depend on the intern’s school schedule. The Center will provide a housing allowance, reasonable relocation expenses, and a stipend of $5000.

To apply for the internship program, candidates should submit the following materials electronically (preferred):
 letter of interest,
 vita,
 recent academic paper,
 the proposed dates (contiguous 8 weeks) for the internship, and
 two letters of recommendations (one of which must be from the candidate’s academic advisor).

All materials must be submitted to Scott Marion and and received by February 15, 2008. Postal mail can be directed to Dr. Marion at:

Scott Marion, Ph.D.
Center for Assessment
P.O. Box 351
Dover, NH 03821

Applicants will be notified around March 15, 2008 regarding the internship. To learn more about the Center, please visit or contact Scott Marion at

Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville KY

Evaluation Specialist II - Accountability, Research and Planning -
Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville KY

Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree or higher in area of
assignment; Three (3) years successful experience in area of assignment;
Desirable qualifications: Master’s Degree; Kentucky certification in
supervision and/or administrations; Successful experience area of
research methods and strategies; This position is categorically funded
and re-employment is subject to periodic review based on availability of
funds and continued need for the project. Salary: Schedule II/IV, Grade
9, 260 days. Deadline: January 23, 2008.

Some of the primary responsibilities of this position include
evaluating programs, conducting data analyses, literature reviews, and
writing evaluations for grants. Successful applicants would have
extensive knowledge of evaluation, quantitative and qualitative
analysis, methods, and data collection; demonstrated ability to organize
and write evaluation reports, technical reports and grants; competencies
in statistical analysis programs (e.g. SPSS); extensive knowledge of
effective planning and continuous improvement processes; and skilled in
the use of all areas of Microsoft Office, Word, Power Point, Excel,
Access. For an online application click the link below:

Inflexxion, Inc.

Behavioral Sciences & Interactive Technology Company

Inflexxion, Inc. is a behavioral science & interactive technology company that combines research with innovative solutions for critical areas of healthcare. We focus on developing scientifically-proven web-based programs confronting health areas such as pharmaceutical health care risk management, substance abuse and college health.

We hire creative, smart, compassionate, innovative people who work closely with others to improve health behaviors through technology. Our staff is detailed, organized, and understands the project cycle. We offer competitive salaries and a full range of benefits.

We currently have an opening for a biostatistician with a psychology background, reporting directly to the Chief Science Officer, to assist with all aspects of study design and analysis on grant-funded and private-contract projects. The ideal candidate will have an interest in innovative applied research (psychometric experience/interest a plus). This is a hands-on role.

 Perform as Project Statistician for select projects Work with research staff (Principal Investigators, Research Coordinators, and Project Managers) during all phases of a study to assist with research design and study implementation questions Manage resource allocation and timeline development for Data Department Participate in protocol development or clinical development plan process, including discussions of study designs, selection of endpoints, sample size determination, and preparation of statistical section of the protocol Prepare statistical analysis plans and be able to present and support them with clients Perform analyses on randomized trials testing the effectiveness of health promotion websites and write reports summarizing results Perform analyses for psychometric/measurement development studies, testing the reliability and validity of new assessments and write reports summarizing results Prepare the statistical and power sections for grants submitted to government and private-sector institutions Assist in writing results appropriate for publication in peer-reviewed journals Serve as a member of the Scientific Review Committee, which reviews all research protocols before the initiation of a study Assist with management and supervision of personnel in the Data Department (10%) Manage and train junior statistical personnel

 M.S. degree or ABD with at least 5 years of experience, PhD a plus Excellent English skills Strong skills in SAS or SPSS; longitudinal analysis skills (RMANOVA/ linear mixed modeling) are a plus Database manipulation skills, with strong attention to detail Experience with application of a variety of statistical methods and ability to work on complex statistical problems Expertise with principles of research methodology, including experimental study designs used in clinical and social science studies Ability to write technically for reports, manuscripts, and grant submissions, as well as non-technically for presentation to non-scientific audiences Project management experience Good interpersonal skills to communicate with study staff of all levels Interest or background in psychology or social science is a plus Experience with psychometric analytic techniques a plus Experience developing statistical and data SOPs a plus

To apply, please email your cover letter and resume to:
We look forward to hearing from you.

St. John's University, Queens, NY

Faculty Positions for September 2008
St. John's University, Queens, NY
Department of Administrative and Instructional Leadership

Position 1: Educational Administration and Supervision. Open Rank.

Required qualifications are an earned doctorate in Educational Administration or closely related field, and a minimum of 5 years experience working in K-12 settings in an administrative capacity. Additional desired qualifications include an established program of research and scholarly publication, success obtaining external funding, and experience in recruitment.

Position 2: Research Methodology. Open Rank.

Required qualifications are an earned doctorate in Educational Research, Measurement, or closely related field, knowledge of widely used statistical software used in educational research, and a minimum of 2 years experience working in K-12 settings. Additional desired qualifications include an established program of research and scholarly publication, success obtaining external funding, and knowledge of analysis of data from large scale city, state, and national data bases.

Interested candidates may send a letter of application, a vita, and names of three references to Sr. Colleen Fogarty, Associate Dean for Graduate Education, St. John's University, 8000 Utopia Pkwy., Queens, NY 11439. Queries and requests for additional information may be directed to Sr. Fogarty to, (718) 990-1301.

The search will begin immediately and conclude when suitable candidates have been identified.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Faculty position at James Madison University

Center for Assessment and Research Studies and

Department of Graduate Psychology
James Madison University

The Center for Assessment and Research Studies (CARS) and the Department of Graduate Psychology at James Madison University are seeking an Assistant/Associate Professor to contribute to our PhD program in Assessment and Measurement. The program is dedicated to preparing assessment professionals who combine strong training in measurement, extensive applied assessment skills and experiences, and the knowledge and skills necessary to impact assessment practice and policies.

The doctoral program is housed in the Department of Graduate Psychology and is closely affiliated with our nationally recognized student outcomes assessment center that provides an excellent environment for training students and conducting research. In addition to assessment practice on campus, faculty members in the program teach courses in assessment, measurement or statistics, mentor graduate students, and conduct scholarly research. The teaching load is typically one course each semester plus student research and/or practice supervision. The faculty has established an outstanding record of research productivity. We are particularly interested in attracting a colleague with interest, expertise, and experience in educational assessment practice.

CARS faculty work with interdisciplinary teams on a variety of projects related to the assessment of learning and developmental outcomes of university students. Responsibilities include working with academic programs to develop assessment plans, design tests and rating scales, and process, analyze and report student assessment data. JMU is strongly committed to student outcomes assessment and provides a unique, supportive setting for the development of innovative assessment methods and practices.

This position is a year-round (12-month) tenure-track appointment. Requirements for the position include a doctorate in a relevant field, credentials commensurate with rank, effective organizational and communication skills, and a strong record of scholarship. Experience with assessment and applied educational and/or psychological research is highly desirable. Interested applicants should apply online at and reference posting number 54179 ( submitting (a) a letter of interest stating qualifications for the position, (b) curriculum vitae, (c) copies of selected research publications, and (d) the names and contact information for three references.

James Madison University is a state-supported co-educational university located in the historic Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with a student body of 17,000. Additional information may be obtained about JMU and the Center for Assessment and Research Studies at, and about the Department of Graduate Psychology at

Queries may be addressed to Donna Sundre, Professor and Executive Director of CARS, or Sheena Rogers, Professor and Head of Graduate Psychology, Salary is competitive.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Position is available July 1, 2008, but starting date is flexible. James Madison University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and especially encourages application from minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.

AERA Division D: Measurement and Research Methodology Forum

Lesley University Researcher

Lesley University's Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy

Collaborative is seeking an *experienced Researcher* to conduct research
and program evaluation related to school literacy programs. This is a
temporary position. Dates of assignment are January to June 30, 2008,
with a possibility to become a permanent position July 1, 2008.

As a Researcher, you will conduct literacy- and education-related
research in a Center that provides professional development to
school-based practitioners. Work under the supervision of and in
collaboration with the Center's Director of Research. Work
collaboratively with the Center's professional development faculty and
with school-based practitioners. Design and conduct internal studies on
the Center's professional development programs, including Reading
Recovery and Literacy Collaborative. Develop short-term and long-term
research agendas for Reading Recovery at Lesley under the direction of
the Center's Assistant Director for Reading Recovery. Work with
researchers at partner universities to conduct national program
evaluations. Serve as a resource to Reading Recovery Teacher Leaders and
school-based literacy coaches by responding to day-to-day data-related
questions, chairing research committees, and assisting with school-based
research and site reports. Conduct workshops on introductory research
methods, data analysis, data presentation, and report writing to
school-based practitioners. Work on other research projects required by
the Center's Director.

This position is a unique opportunity for a dedicated professional and
lifelong learner who would enjoy working in a literacy-related
professional development center. Located in Cambridge, MA, Lesley
University resides in one of the country's most culturally and
intellectually vibrant metropolitan areas.

Master's degree in Education Research or related social science
required; Ph.D. in Education Research, Psychology, Sociology or related
field preferred. Strong academic background and experience with
qualitative and quantitative research design and data analysis.
Experience with statistical packages such as SPSS and SAS. Excellent
organization, communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills.
Strong initiative and ability to work independently and juggle multiple
tasks. Willingness to learn, to develop professionally, and to
collaborate with others. Salary is highly competitive depending on
experience and qualifications. Benefits prorated according to hours worked.

Additional Information:
Lesley University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer,
and we are committed to increasing the diversity of the college
community and the curriculum. Candidates who believe they can contribute
to that goal are encouraged to apply.