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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Boston University

SENIOR RESRCH ANALYST, Office of Education Resrch. & Evaluation, GRADE 75
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Job Description
This unique position combines the role of 1) Educational Evaluation Analysis with 2) Program Evaluation. Analysis: Conduct and manage the analyses of data related to educational program evaluation and institutional research used for accreditation and ongoing institutional improvement by deans and faculty in the school of dental medicine. This includes the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data collected from scannable and web surveys; thematic analyses of data sets using SPSS Text Analysis software; analyses of institutional research outcomes regarding school effectiveness (dashboards and benchmarking); interpretation of findings and writing comprehensive analysis reports for deans and faculty to guide school-wide decision-making; database management of predoctoral and postdoctoral data; supervision of data entry staff and data entry work study students; project management of assessment projects regarding student and faculty performance. Program Evaluation: Implement and manage program evaluation plans that assess curriculum, faculty teaching, student performance, and patient care used for accreditation and individual program improvement by deans, program directors and faculty.

Required Skills
A Bachelor's degree in Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, or other related field with 4 to 6 years of experience in data analyses and writing reports using SPSS, program evaluation and outcomes assessment, institutional research, and/or survey research, preferably in higher education.

Job Location
Boston, MA, US.
Position Type
Grade 75