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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Boston Science Partnership

JOB: Survey Administrator - - -open immediately
March 9, 2009
Un-official description

The Boston Science Partnership is looking to hire a survey administrator on a short-term, part-time basis to coordinate and administer surveys in high schools around Boston.

The Boston Science Partnership
The BSP is focuses on science teacher quality and student achievement in Boston Public Schools, including UMass Boston, Northeastern University, and Roxbury Community College.

The Senior STEM Surveys have been given for the past two years and will be given for the last time this spring to all seniors in 22 high schools in Boston. The survey asks students about their interests in pursuing a career in science, and the factors that contribute to or work against their interests. The survey – given on paper – asks about students’ experiences and attitudes toward science, including why they may major in a Science, technology, math, or engineering (STEM) field.

The survey administrator will be responsible for all coordination of the survey, including contacting and working with school site people to arrange for times to give the survey to students, distributing the survey and collecting it. At times they will be asked to administer the survey directly to the students.

The candidate must be organized and familiar with coordinating large projects with people in different settings and contexts. He or she must be able to work with teachers and other school staff who are busy and hesitant to participate. She or he must understand (or be able to learn) about the protocols for administering surveys, and be able to communicate aspects of the survey to students and teachers.

The position requires carrying boxes of paper surveys, and the use of a car to distribute and collect them. Familiarity with Boston Public Schools is a plus. The candidate must be available to accommodate the school schedule and preference for times and days to administer the survey. Schools start at 7:30 am. It is estimated that this position will be about ¾ time, starting immediately and ending about the end of April or earlier.

If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Dorsen, Project Director of the BSP, at or at 617.291.4829 to arrange a time to meet and to discuss the position in further detail.