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Monday, September 29, 2008

University of New Mexico

Educational Psychology Faculty Position
Applied Educational Statistics

The University of New Mexico College of Education, Department of Individual, Family and Community Education, invites applications for an Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology, Applied Educational Statistics, probationary appointment leading to a tenure decision, beginning August, 2009.

Minimum Qualifications: 1) earned doctorate in Educational Psychology or related field by August 2009; and, 2) evidence of expertise in applied educational statistics.

Preference will be given to applicants with: 1) excellence or potential for excellence in teaching applied educational statistics; 2) evidence of scholarly research; 3) expertise in a substantive area of educational psychology or related field relevant to the mission of the program; 4) interest and commitment to working with diverse populations; and, 5) interest in and commitment to working in applied educational settings.

Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to collaborate with educational psychology faculty with expertise in cognition, human development, motivation, measurement & assessment, and educational research methods. This faculty member will be expected to teach graduate courses in educational psychology, especially in advanced educational statistics and research methods (e.g. multiple regression, multivariate methods). This faculty member will also be expected to conduct an active research program as well as to advise master and doctoral-level graduate students specializing in educational psychology. The successful candidate will provide support to graduate students and faculty throughout the College and University in the use and application of statistical and research methods which includes helping to meet the needs for service on degree committees of students minoring in quantitative methods in educational psychology or who need committee members with methodological expertise.

A complete application packet will include:

1) A signed letter of application including statement of qualifications in relation to the Minimum and Preferred qualifications;

2) A complete and up-to-date curriculum vita;

3) One professional publication or presentation;

4) Samples of teaching materials and evidence of teaching excellence;

5) At least three letters of recommendation from professional references;

6) Transcripts of ALL collegiate coursework (readable, unofficial copies will be accepted).

Applications should be addressed to:
Helen R. Harris, Coord, Personnel
College of Education, Dean’s Office
MSC 05-3040
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Please refer to JR # 6519. For best consideration, complete application packets must be received by 5:00pm (MST) on November 26, 2008. We especially encourage members of underrepresented groups to apply. Position will remain open until filled. UNM is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.