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Friday, June 13, 2008

Florida State University

One-year instructional position in Measurement and Statistics
Florida State University's College of Education

This would be an ideal position for a new Ph.D. who is finishing late in the year (after the typical spring job-application season), or for someone on a sabbatical (or a potential retiree) wanting to enjoy some of our Florida sunshine!

The position is for full-time teaching for two terms with a possible summer 2009 appointment if that is of interest. It would begin with the Fall term of 2008 with an expected start date of August 15 (though classes begin on August 25).

The position requires a completed Ph.D. degree by the starting date of the appointment.Our program offers both introductory courses and also advanced courses in measurement and statistics to graduate students in education, communication, social work and also business.

Likely assignments would be to teach components of the introductory sequence (including basic statistics, linear models, and analysis of variance), with possible advanced coursework offerings if that would be of interest.

Please contact Betsy Jane Becker, Professor Synthesis Research Group (SynRG) College of Education, by email ( or phone (850-645-2371) with queries or if you are interested in applying. To apply please email a resume and statement of teaching experience to me at