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Thursday, June 26, 2008

University of Miami

Office of Accreditation and Assessment (OAA)


Report to the Assistant Provost in the following areas:

Serve as consultant/advisor to units, colleges, departments, and programs on use of assessment to improve student learning and assure compliance with the assessment requirements of accrediting organizations.

Daily management of University of Miami Academic and Non-Academic Program Assessment process, to include
Collect, analyze and maintain assessment submissions;
Facilitate communication and scheduling for assessment with various UM constituencies, including deans and program contacts;
Collaborate with faculty and academic leadership to identify program outcomes and measures to evaluate student learning, analyzing data from current assessment efforts and working with faculty to identify and expedite necessary improvements.

Upload, maintain, and manage access to assessment documents via UM’s assessment website.

Provide statistical and research study design support relating to SACS and assessment:
Research and report information on specific issues to the Assistant Provost;
Perform comparative analyses with national data resources;
Collaborate with Planning and Institutional Research to collect data, assess trends and develop evaluation tools to support SACS and assessment.

Develop and prepare written and web-based reports for both internal and external constituents for the purposes of describing, documenting, and publishing institutional information and measures of effectiveness.

Keep current on assessment research and best practices.

Work collaboratively with faculty, administrators and departments, under the guidance of the Assistant Provost.

Other duties as assigned.

Requirements: Doctorate in higher education, assessment, social sciences, or a related field and 3 years experience in higher education.